
Childcare Management

Running a childcare business is no easy task. Each and every day you wear many hats and we know the time and organization it takes to juggle your responsibilities! CareDay Solutions was created to give you the tools to successfully navigate the ever-evolving world of childcare management.

Enrollment Management

At the core of CareDay Solutions is our Child Enrollment Scheduling. By personalizing our offerings to create your center’s unique classroom and center structure, children can be scheduled for their entire career at your facility with as simple as one click. In addition, our platform provides a user-friendly viewing experience that optimizes child enrollment by pairing your part-time children to create a Full Time Child (FTC), ensuring your center is efficiently full.

Billing + Payments

Because our billing system is integrated directly into the schedule, gone are the days of tracking parent tuition payments manually. Our system automatically populates the billing ledger from each child’s schedule and can apply discounts, credits, or other billable items directly into the ledger.

Billing and transaction fees can make or break a facility - we offer some of the lowest and most efficient ways to transact business. Other companies charge high transaction and credit card fees, hiding the true cost of their offering.


A successful business needs good data and analyzing a business’ data can be excruciating if you aren’t given the right tools. CareDay provides you with those tools! Track your center’s state compliance inspections & Net Promoter Scores, pull enrollment data, billing reports, staffing info, your enrolled student’s allergens and diets, and so much more.

Curriculum + Lesson Planning

Whether you use your own center curriculum, allow teachers to plan for their classroom, or implement a branded commercial curriculum, CareDay’s curriculum & lesson planner is simple to use for all.

Each center’s assigned state learning standards are automatically applied to your organization making it simple for activities to be added to lesson plans, providing necessary information when gauging a child’s development.


The events module allows owners to use their buildings and staff to host events and provide additional services to their customers. Centers currently using CareDay have used this module to host dance classes in their buildings or have kids night out programs on the weekends. CareDare makes it easy by allowing promotion, signup, and billing, all with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Some CareDay clients have gone further by allowing other vendors to sell services on their platform and they take a platform fee for access to the customer base.
All of this defrays the costs of your expensive buildings, helping you earn more!


Communicating with your staff and families is vital to your center’s success! CareDay provides many ways to keep your school community informed of important events, reminders, as well as sharing your perfectly curated food menu. Ways to reach your community include email, text, as well as directly through the CareDay mobile app.